Cheryl and I found Juno this spring. We had decided to open Journey's Inn and were out running some errands. We were in a neighborhood around Lytle Shores and saw this cute little turtle in the middle of the road. (It had been raining.) All three of our turtles are red ear sliders.
I asked Cheryl to stop the car as I had to rescue this little girl. (Yes, I think Juno is a girl. Why? Because she is little and cute!) I know it doesn't make sense, but who said it had to?
At this point I'm sure Cheryl is questioning going into business with this crazy woman, but she happily stops the car and I run out and pick up little Juno.
Why the name Juno? We saw the movie Juno and really loved it. Actually Vann really loved it, too. Are we detecting a recurring theme here? :)
We've only had Juno a few months. She enjoys sunning on this one rock in particular and has gotten to the point where she won't slide in the water every time she sees us. She still won't eat from our hands and most of the time disappears when we appear.
That's o.k. I'm living in hope. We've come a long way with our other two boys!
Thanks for letting me tell you about our turtle kiddos. I hope you will stay with us at Journey's Inn sometime. I'd love to introduce you.
Lovely Loneliness
13 years ago