Vann had gone to run some errands and he called me and said, "Honey, do you know why there would be a vacuum cleaner on the sidewalk in front of our house? I meant to call you a couple of hours ago about it." Well, I didn't.
So I walked outside and sure enough! There was a nice, new looking, cool green vacuum cleaner on our sidewalk...right in front of our house!
Katie Lea had a friend visiting and I asked her if it was hers. No, it wasn't.
So...I traipsed on back to Journey's Inn with our new vacuum cleaner. I hesitantly turned it on - - halfway expecting it to start smoking or catch on fire or blow up (o.k., I've watched too many espionage movies). But, none of that. Just a nice hum along with picking up the dirt.
Thank you, God! It's great! Also, I think putting my gift on the sidewalk was a very original idea of how to give the gift! Love it!