The story of how we got Jimmy Chitwood is pretty fun. Caroline and I were out garage sale-ing one Saturday morning. We were driving on the loop in Abilene when we spotted a turtle in the middle of the interstate! Since it was Abilene and not too many cars around (even though it was the interstate) we pulled over and got out of the car.
We prayed that no one would hit this turtle. He looked just like a turtle shell in the middle of the road. He was so scared.
Caroline raced out onto the interstate and picked him up and brought him to the car. It was at this point (not ever before) that we started wondering what we'd do with him. Of course, we had a perfectly good pond, but Vann had already commented that one turtle was probably enough for a pond that size.
As we pondered what to do, Caroline said she knew just the thing to do. She said, "Mom, we need to name it after one of Daddy's favorite characters in his favorite movie!" Vann loves the old movie, Hoosiers. If you remember the movie, Jimmy Chitwood is the star basketball bplayer. Hence the name Jimmy Chitwood.
Because of this, we all call Jimmy Chitwood, Jimmy Chitwood. You probably won't ever hear us call this turtle just Jimmy...or Jim...or James. Jimmy Chitwood.
We've had Jimmy Chitwood for a couple of years now and he's come a long way. He will now come out of the pond (though he feels more comfortable in the pond) and eat from my hand...or a turtle stick. He does this cute little turtle dance when he's swimming to get his food. It's hysterical.
I got a fright this week. We hadn't seen Jimmy Chitwood for a few days and we grew worried about him. Then last night he appeared and was waiting on his grapes. I almost kissed the cute little fella! (Not really, but I sure was glad to see him!)
Again, we assume Jimmy Chitwood is a boy, but it really might be Jemima Chitwood. :)
Next up - - the story of Juno...