I'm excited about some new changes we are making to the inn. I've gotten some new furniture in there and more on the way. The new (old) leopard chaise should be ready for pick up the beginning of next week. That is going to be such fun in our living area. My better half, Vann, is going to hang an antique chandelier with beautiful crystal prisms over the chaise. It will be such a cozy spot for reading, relaxing or just day dreaming.
A couple of weeks ago I found a tall (7 feet?) iron screen that will make a perfect headboard. It will add a touch of serendipity to the room.
Wednesday night I met with Roxanne Spradlin to discuss a mural she is going to paint for us outside our inn. The inn is being painted in a couple of weeks and then Roxanne will start her magic! The outside of the inn is going to be fabulous! I want to keep you in suspense but, but I promise I'll post pictures when it's completed. Roxanne is a very gifted artist and I'm thankful she agreed to this job. Not only is she a gifted artist, she's a delightful person. I've so enjoyed getting to know her.
Journey's Inn is getting more and more special. It's a special gift for us to be able to provide a haven for a weary traveler. Our mission is to be filled with hospitality and compassion. Come check us out!
I'll leave you with a couple of photos I took on Wednesday of this week. The first is our pond. The fish are reproducing like crazy. We have a lot of little babies right now. The other photo is of Yurtle, our friendly turtle. He's checking out my toes to see if they are berries.